Thursday, April 1, 2010

In Which No One Surpasses The Weather Gods At April Fool's Day Prankery

For April Fool's, Cheyenne is getting punked.
We're inches deep in fresh new thundersnow.
I've just come in from shov'ling and look dunked
In someone's pool, all soakng wet. I know
It's spring, and so do you, but we forgot
To tell Wyoming's Mother Nature rep
(Although it's just as likely as is not
That Spring is simply playing hard to get;
She always was a tease). My canine friend,
Dear Molly, stands poised scared by the back door.
She loves the snow; indeed 'twould never end
Were she in charge, but just as my own poor
Dear doggie ventures outside for to play
The thunder booms and scares my girl away.

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