Sunday, January 31, 2010

In Which Shift Work And Ebay Prove A Poor Match

A Yaesu FRG was my first pick --
A proper shortwave radio my need.
A taste for analog tech makes me tick,
And Ebay seemed the best place for to feed
My hunger for a new toy. Oh, alas,
The auction ended while I was at work,
And so this dreadful thing did come to pass:
The Yaesu got snapped up by some rare jerk
While I was earning what I need to live.
Split seconds were the difference. One more
Was snapped up while I toiled. For now I give
Right up. But there are other toys galore.
A Hallicrafter S28 will be
A compensation. Now, just come to me!

1 comment:

Again, sorry about the Captcha, but the spam comments are getting out of hand.
