Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Flash: Interstellar Feller: In Which The Hunt Is On

Sonneteer's note: this is the latest installment of an on-going sonnet serial, Pepito Mojito: The Interstellar Feller. New readers can get up to speed by clicking on the "Interstellar Feller" tag below to bring up all installments. Start at the bottom and read your way up to today's...

More flagellations happen as it's learned
Nobody tagged Pepito and he's not
Got any coms equipment. Lo how spurned
Ex-lovers sometimes take revenge. Flow hot
The nano-bot-tinged tears of Pepi's love
As she now orders planetary scans,
Brute searches for Pepito from above.
"What planet is this anyway?" just fans
Yectara's ire, though she knows even less.
In haste to make escape, Maneuver Three's
Effective but it's anybody's guess
Just when and where it takes the ship. Now she's
Got star charts to consult, and more to check,
Ere she can find Pepito. She's a wreck.


  1. Love:

    "[...Now she's]
    Got star charts to consult, and more to check,
    Ere she can find Pepito. She's a wreck."

    (nice couplet summing up the situation)

    I really wish I would've been following this. I've read through some of the others and I love this sonnet adventure!

  2. Melissa, thank you very much! I'm having an unseemly amount of fun bringing this to everybody ;)


Again, sorry about the Captcha, but the spam comments are getting out of hand.
